In these parts, the river is known as the Honey Island Swamp, filled with gators, wild boars, black bear, deer, an array of fowl and of course some creepy crawly critters and slithery snakes. Now I grew up near another well known swamp and never thought of them as something I wanted to spend much time around, much less in, but I have a new found love of the swamp and the wildlife that inhabits its parts. And given a trained eye there is no telling what you may find when touring this wonderful area. So how do you get a trained eye for this? Well the best way is to find a local to run you down the river... and I admit Capt. Jack is one of the best eyes around. He can be found at Honey Island Swamp Tours in Slidell along with several other great guides. Or bring your own boat and make an adventure of it all, there are several area landings where boaters can set off and by the way, there is some mighty good fishing in this water too!
The summer is the best time to view gators of course while the winter is best for fowl with the bare trees. Winter also brings in many migratory birds not thought to be found in these parts of the country. The Honey Island Swamp is just a couple of blocks (as the crow flies) from Woodridge Bed and Breakfast where you will find ample parking for your boat and the tour offers a discount for registered guests when booked by the innkeeper.

Posted by Debbi owner & Innkeeper, Woodridge B&B